The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Member on Tuesday stated that the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir is contrary to what is claimed by the incumbent Government, saying that there is no semblance of development and good governance on ground in the entire region.
Expressing concern over the deteriorating development scenario, and administrative inertia in Jammu and Kashmir, Party General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar said the state of Jammu and Kashmir which used to be in the top –notch performers vis-à-vis human development index, infrastructure and development has plumped down to that of underperforming regions ,and states with the union.
“Two years after the 5 August measures, the development activities in JK are yet to pick up. The successive lock downs and clampdowns have further withered out any possible recovery. On the contrary the incumbent administration, low on the democratic moorings has further failed to catapult the region from the dark abyss of uncertainty, unemployment, development deficit and administrative inertia. The outcomes of the august 5, policy of the ruling dispensation are barely understood by anybody. The real measures of progress, development and employability narrate a grimy tale of neglect, policy failure and unaccountability. All the regions of Jammu and Kashmir have taken an equal hit due to the unrelated character of the administration having its hands on JK administration,” he said.
“There is no semblance of governance, development, progress, job creation, entrepreneurship development and infrastructure augmentation on ground. People of JK; it goes without saying has been put on the terminal path of alienation. Even the cumulative success gained by various democratic governments since 1996 in terms of peace building, addressing alienation, job creation and development have been wasted. So far no material benefits have flowed down to people from the cataclysmic changes which were proposed to foster job creation and integration. Far from integrating the region and bring it at par with other units of our nation, our people are being discriminated on every front. On the contrary the Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh have been put on a lower pedestal with no say over the administration, decision making and policy making,’ he added.
Calling for course correction, Sagar called for restoration of people’s rights and giving a sense of entitlement to the youth by protecting their job avenues and giving them stake in administration and legislation. “Above and beyond having people of JK walk hand in hand with the people of the rest of country calls for respecting their political aspirations, protecting their unique historical and constitutional identity,” he said. (GNS)