General Submission Guidelines
(Updated 25/02/2018)
These are general guidelines. Additional, specific guidelines for nonfiction, fiction, and poetry are below. Please read all the way to the bottom.
- It is absolutely essential that your post should not have been previously published. If you send your piece to another website or publication or website, please inform us of your decision to withdraw it from The Kashmir Walla.
- We are ONLY interested in original, unpublished manuscripts. Your work MUST be unpublished. (If a translation, the translation must not have been published. The original may have been.)
- After publication in The Kashmir Walla, it may be published elsewhere provided after taking permission from The Kashmir Walla.
- We try to respond within two weeks to let you know whether we are publishing the piece. Please be patient.
- Please include a brief bio of yourself.
- We do not pay for any submissions for now.
- The best formats to send your post (in this order) is MS Word doc. Text Size: 12-14. Text Font: Times New Roman. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR SUBMISSION AS TEXT IN EMAIL BODY OR AS PDF FILES. WE WILL NOT CONSIDER SUCH SUBMISSIONS.
Please follow our submission guidelines closely, otherwise your submission will be misdirected and you may not receive a response. For guidelines, please see the information below.
Departments (Specific Guidelines on How to Submit Your work)
You can send your submissions in the following categories – In-Depth, Culture, Opinion, Blog, Photobox, Cartoons and Videobox
Email us at
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “DS-[CATEGORY]-HEADLINE”. The submission can be on any issue that you find interesting. It should be between 600-800 words only.
For Photobox, you can send us pictures [700×357 px] with captions and description of the topic. Between 6-10 pictures.
For Videobox, you can send us raw video with written description and background. Not more than 2 minutes duration. Email it through WeTransfer.
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “reportage submission” length/quantity: between 1000-3000 words. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “comment submission” length/quantity: between 800-1000 words. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “dispatch submission” length/quantity: Between 1000-3000 words. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
My story
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “mystory submission” length/quantity: less than 1000 words. A personal experience story. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
Cartoon stories
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “cartoon submission” length/quantity: A two-page cartoon story. As JPEG images.
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “reviews submission” length/quantity: less than 1000 words. Film, documentary or book reviews only. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “interview submission” We prefer the full interview manuscript rather than a pitch. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “fiction submission” Length/quantity: No fewer than 700 words, no more than 3000 words/one story or novel excerpt per submission. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “poetry submission” Send up to three poems of any length. Translations welcome. As MS Word document. Size: 12-14. Text format: Times New Roman
by email:
In subject line (please follow this format exactly): “photography submission”. Send us JPEG images as attachments with description and captions in a MS Word document.
General Inquiries, Feedback
by email: