Three more patients under obersvation for COVID-19 have been tested positive in Kashmir. The tally of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has risen to forty-eight.
Government’s spokesperson, Rohit Kansal, also added that there have been 772 tests conducted by far, while 11,644 people are under observation.
He tweeted: “#COVID19 #JammuAndKashmir #FightagainstCorona Three more cases detected positive in Kasmir. A total of 48 cases now. 11644 persons under observation.722 samples tested so far. @diprjk @MoHFW_INDIA @HealthMedicalE1.”
Earlier in the day, four were tested positive for the novel coronavirus; two from Shopian and two from Srinagar. Two of the positive cases have died while another two are said to have recovered.