The Ministry of External Affairs has once again called upon Pakistan to “vacate all illegally occupied territories and end the gross violation of political, economic and cultural rights of people living there.”
The spokesman for the ministry Anurag Srivastava said, “Egregious activities of this nature which display contempt for the ancient civilizational & cultural heritage are highly condemnable. We have sought immediate access for its experts to the area in order to restore & preserve this invaluable archaeological heritage,”
Adding that it was a matter of grave concern that Buddhist symbols are being destroyed and the religious and cultural rights and freedoms are being trampled with impunity in the Indian territories under illegal occupation of Pakistan.
Shrivastava said, “We have conveyed our strong concern at reports of vandalism, defacement and destruction of invaluable Indian Buddhist heritage located in so-called “Gilgit-Baltistan” area of the Indian territory under illegal and forcible occupation of Pakistan,”