A total of 13,48,700 persons are drug users in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, suggests a report prepared by the Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment based on the projected population in 2018.
As per media reports, the Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment informed the Parliament that there are estimated 13.50 lakh drug users in Jammu and Kashmir.
The Committee stated that 1,68,700 children in the age group of 17-18 years are drug users in Jammu and Kashmir and they are taking Cannabis, Opioids, Sedatives, Cocaine, Amphetamine-Type Stimulants (ATS), inhalants and Hallucinogens.
It further reported that in the age group of 18-75 nearly 11,80,000 adults are drug users in Jammu and Kashmir and majority of them are addicts of Opiods followed by Cannabis, Sedatives and Inhalants. With this, a total of 13,48,700 persons are drug users in Union Territory and number might be higher as these estimates are based on the projected population in 2018.
“Seven types of psychoactive substances viz Cannabis, Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine Stimulants, Sedatives, Inhalants and Hallucinogens were found to be used by the victims, besides alcohol which is the most common psychoactive substance used by adults”, the Committee has mentioned in its report.
The Standing Committee was informed by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Government of India that funds are being provided for identification, motivation, counseling, de-addiction, after care and rehabilitation of the drug users so as to control the drug menace after the introduction of National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR).
During the financial years 2020-21 and 2021-22 meager funds were released to Non-Governmental Organizations and others in Jammu and Kashmir under NAPDDR but during 2022-23 the financial assistance was increased to Rs 2.37 crore, which is substantially high as compared to previous two years.
About establishment of District De-addiction Centres, the Department has informed the Standing Committee that all out efforts are being made in this direction in consultation with the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. The Standing Committee has laid stress on coordination among all the concerned agencies in Jammu and Kashmir to control the trafficking, production and distribution of drugs.