J-K Peoples Conference President Sajad Gani Lone has said that NC’s U-Turn to participate in the delimitaion commission meeting has legitimized the ‘grossly unfair delimitaion commission proposa’l.
“Will somebody please enlighten them (PAGD). This report cannot be challenged in court. It is legally unchallengeable. Heavens sake. Stop lying through your teeth”, Sajad Lone tweeted.
“Article 329(a) in The Constitution Of India 1949
(a) the validity of any law relating to the delimitation of constituencies or the allotment of seats to such constituencies, made or purporting to be made under Article 327 orArticle 328, shall not be called in question in any court. Art 329(a) of Constitution of India bars challenge to delimitation of constituencies or allotment of seats in any court of law.
Going by sub- section 2 of section 10 of Delimitation Act, the orders of the Commission have force of the law and shall not be called in question in any court”, he said in another tweet.
Lone further said that the delimitation commission report cannot be legally challenged in a court of law.
“Don’t the people of Kashmir deserve- that 3 MPs should have known that -they will be legitimising the delimitation commission a document— which cannot be legally challenged. Legal legitimacy is constitutionally innate. Political legitimacy bestowed by NC”, he further said.