Srinagar: A Kashmiri Pandit organization has said that Jammu and Kashmir main Stream Leaders should quit LokSabha as they failed to protect the greater autonomy of the erstwhile state.
A year after abrogation, so-called leaders have now woken up. But the question is they trustworthy? Do they have the sincerity to deliver? We know the answers but we fail to speak up. It is time to ponder and give the answers to the so-called tall leaders of the state, reads the statement by Reconciliation, Return and Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants
After the abrogation of article 370 & 35A on August 5, 2019 till date not a single regional and national leader nor any political party has come forward to speak on the plight /miseries of the people of J-K, “We are surprised how few political leaders have come now forward after one year of vacation. As if waking from a long slumber, they have now got up and are demanding restoration of the statehood and Article 370,”
The leaders who were released earlier, almost five months ago never spoke anything on the restoration of statehood till 24 August 24, 2020.
Adding that Farooq Abdullah and all other leaders should quit first as the Lok Sabha MP and then talk on Article 370 and the restoration of statehood as a common man.
“Let all political leaders, including Farooq Abdullah, give up the government benefits like houses, security, perks and others. Then we would consider his/her seriousness on making the demand for restoration of statehood,” RRRM said.
The spokesperson of the body further said that J-K was passing through a critical period, “It is all the more necessary for all of us who cherish the ideals of democracy, secularism and socialism to support a leader or a party who ensures the rights, liberties of all the citizens, including those of the minorities are protected,”
“Farooq Abdullah never talked about the return of the Kashmiri Pandits nor any political leader of the hue has ever in word or deed talked about the return, safeguarding and justice to the beleaguered minority communities in Kashmir, be they Kashmiri Pandits or Sikhs. The majority population leadership of Jammu and Kashmir has failed to protect the rights of the people, including rights and respect of the minorities of Kashmir,”
Adding that they also failed to protect the greater autonomy of the state which was given at the time of accession, “The Mainstream politicians have miserably failed to protect the , Right to equality, Right to Freedom , Right Against exploitation , Right to Freedom of Religion , Cultural and Educational Rights , Right to Constitutional remedies ,All these above mentioned rights have been denied to minorities of Kashmir since 1947 & were forced displacement in 1990 due to terror targeting and failure of the then state and Central governments to protect the Minority Community in the valley,” the statement said.
Adding that Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants since 15 September, 2019 onwards till date has been fighting alone for the rights of the J-K people, “RRRM was the only organisation in Jammu & Kashmir which urged the Government of India to release all the detained political and religious leaders,”
Reconciliation, Return and Rehabilitations of Migrants will support any political party, any individual on restoration of the statehood, who would ensure return of the Kashmiri Pandit Migrants back to the valley, who would ensure Kashmiri Pandits are rehabilitated with honour, it said.
All those who were forced to leave the valley since 1989 should be welcomed back. Since KP being the original aborigines of Kashmir, who hold 5,000 years of written history, cannot be isolated by a few selective individuals, “The RRRM will support any political party and any individual who would ensure Minorities Rights are restored ( i.e. The rights of Kashimri Pandits, other Hindus, Sikhs and Christains). We would support any political party who would ensure supreme court order WRIT PETITION(C) No.489 OF 2016. on minorities is implemented within the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Minorities in Kashmir always faced discrimination, violence and atrocities. Constitutional and Legislative protections have not protected the periodic persecution of the religious minorities, since 1947 till date,”
Adding that India as a member state of the United Nations (UN) is bound by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (UNDM) which states: “Persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in decisions on the national & state level and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a manner not incompatible with national legislation.”
Reconciliation, Return & Rehabilitations of Migrants since Septemeber 15, 2019 onwards till date had been fighting alone for the rights of the J-K people. RRRM was the only organization in Jammu & Kashmir who urged GoI time and again to release all political & religious leaders . RRRM leaders were also detained while visiting Kashmir as they wanted to hold a peace March.
“We urge the Honourable Prime Minister, honorable Home Minister, honourable parliamentarians, that the people of Jammu & Kashmir are your own people, love them and as a good gesture confer special status to Jammu & Kashmir . The representatives/parliamentarians are for the people, by the people and they need to understand the aspiration and the wishes of the people of J&K. While restoring state hood The special provisions should be to safeguard the interest and aspirations of the backward regions, to protect cultural and economic interests of the people, safeguarding the minorities and to deal with the disturbed law and order in some parts of the state,”
We know Kashmir is in dire peril and the first duty of every Kashmiri is to defend his motherland against any intruder. I am sure that God is preparing us all for a bigger task and greater responsibilities to us all. There is no reason for feeling any disappointment but you shall always have to keep in view in word & deed how to protect & respect Minorities too.
“We pledge we will fight till we get our Statehood back with special status. We will fight till our lands are protected, our culture and language are protected. Parliament should ensure this (KNS)