More than 10,000 people have been arrested across the United States as the protests against systemic racism and police brutality sweeps all fifty states after George Floyd, an African-American was killed by a white cop, reported Associated Press.
Los Angeles has had more than a quarter of the national arrests, followed by New York, Dallas, and Philadelphia. Many of the arrests have been for low-level offenses such as curfew violations and failure to disperse.
Los Angeles Chief Michel Moore told the city’s Police Commission on Tuesday the bulk of the arrests, about 2,500, were for failure to disperse or curfew violations.
The rest were for crimes including burglary, looting, assaults on police officers and other violence, Mr. Moore told the panel, which functions as the police department’s civilian oversight board.
The only other U.S. city with an arrest toll that comes close to Los Angeles’ is New York, with about 2,000, according to AP’s tally.
A Los Angeles group called the Peoples City Council Fund as of Wednesday night had gathered more than $2 million for arrested protesters there through the online fundraising platform gofundme. More than 46,000 people donated mostly small amounts, some just $10 or $20.
The killing of Mr. Floyd has sparked the protests against racism in many countries, including France, Germany, and Australia. #BlackLivesMatter trend has captured these protests online.