Kashmir valley’s fruit growers have extended their support to the Bharat Bandh called farmers who are seeking the repeal of recent farm laws.
The fruit growers have decided to shut all the activities on Tuesday, especially in the fruit markets across valley in support of the bandh.
“We fully support the strike call given by farmers on Tuesday. The presidents of all fruit growers’ associations of the valley have been requested to close all their mandis for all sorts of business,” Bashir Ahmad Basheer, chairman Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers cum Dealers Union and president of the New Kashmir Fruit Association was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.
He said all the shops in the fruit mandi Srinagar will remain shut on Tuesday in a show of support to the farmers who have been protesting for many weeks. “We want all the demands of the farmers to be fulfilled as they are the backbone of our society,” Basheer said.
Fruit mandi Sopore will also suspend its business on Tuesday. .
“The farmers are just like growers who are protesting for genuine demands. The government should shun a rigid approach and roll back the laws which in the long run will be harmful for farmers,” said Ghulam Rasool Bhat former president of Fruit Growers and Dealers Association.