J-K government on Thursday terminated the services of eight of its employees including four JKAS officers and a doctor, against whom there were charges of corruption, as a part of the process to remove “deadwood” from the administration, officials sources said.
They said that the government dispensed the services of the eight employees under Article 226 (2) of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations.
The sources said that eight employees have been given three-month notice allowance. They include Ravidner Kumar Bhat (JKAS)—Mission Director RUSA J-K; Mohammad Qasim Wani (JKAS)—regiponal Director Survey and Land Records Srinagar, Noor Alam (JKAS)—Deputy Secretary ARI & Training Department, Mohammad Mjib-ur-Rehman Ghassi (JKAS)—presently under suspension, Dr Fayaz Ahmad Banday—former BMO, presently under suspension, Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din (Jr Assistant, presently posted I/C Supervisor Chatha Store Hammu, FCS&CA department), Rakesh Kumar Pargal (Jr Assistant FCS&CA department, presently under suspension) and Parshotam Kumar (store keep at Pancheri Udhampur—presently working as Supervisor R. C Flour Mills Undhampur FCS&CA department).
A senior officer responded in affirmative to a local news agency, Global News Service (GNS) when asked whether eight employees have been terminated from services prematurely.
Another officer said that it was nothing new but involves invoking the existing clause of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Rules (JKCSR), as per which the Government has to assess performance of an officer/official after he/she completes 48 years of age or 22 years of service
The order comes amid a recent notification by the administration, bringing about an amendment to Article 226 (2) of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Service Regulations to include a provision allowing the administration to retire at any time ‘inefficient, ineffective officials and employees, including those with doubtful integrity’ in public interest after he or she has completed 22 years of service or attained 48 years of age.
The amendment also provides for the formation of an internal panel in each department, comprising the administrative secretary, head of department concerned, and two senior officers to be nominated by the administrative secretary. (GNS)