Describing getting coronavirus that took him to a military hospital for treatment a blessing in disguise, US President Donald Trump on Wednesday told the countrymen that he will get them same medicine that cured him for free.
“I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president because I feel great. I feel like perfect. So, I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it. This was a blessing in disguise,” Mr. Trump said in a video message.
So far, United States have tested 7,776,224 people positive for COVID-19 while as 216,784 among them have died according to the government provided data.
Standing at the Rose Garden outside the Oval office, Mr. Trump attributed his fast cure to Regeneron drug along with others.
Mr. Trump was admitted to Walter Reed National Medical Center last Friday, a day after he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19. He was discharged from the hospital Monday.
On Wednesday, Mr. Trump went to the Oval office to have a briefing on Hurricane Delta and on coronavirus stimulus.
Less than four weeks before the crucial presidential elections, Mr. Trump said he wants Americans to get the same treatment that he received.
“I want to get you what I got, and I’m going to make it free. We’re going to get it in to the hospital as soon as you can as soon as we can with military handling the distribution,” Mr. Trump said, adding that they have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready.
According to Mr. Trump, in addition to Regeneron, there is a very similar drug from Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical company.
He’s now been fever-free for more than four days, symptom-free for over 24 hours and has not needed nor received any supplemental oxygen since initial hospitalization, he wrote.