With decline in COVID-19 cases in India, people who have recovered from the COVID-19 infection are reporting acute post-Covid symptoms.
Quoting a survey by Hyderabad’s AIG hospitals India Today reported that over 40 percent of Covid-recovered individuals are still experiencing symptoms including weakness and tiredness.
As per the report, the AIG Hospitals conducted a study to better grasp the actual picture of post-Covid disease in the country’s over three crore recovered patients.
More than 40% of Covid-recovered patients had post-Covid problems, with many patients additionally reporting novel symptoms such as sleeplessness and neuropsychiatric difficulties.
Dr D Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman of AIG Hospitals, said, as per India Today, “We were seeing many such post-Covid patients in our hospital, but this survey gave us the true picture of this Post-Covid Syndrome. If this is an indication to go by, then we are looking at over 1 crore people in India who have recovered from Covid-19 but are still having certain symptoms.”
Reddy further added that “We also asked in our survey about the usage of steroids in these patients during their Covid-19 treatment and found out that 74 per cent hospitalized patients received steroids but 34 percent required oxygen. We believe there is some correlation between irrational use of steroids and post-Covid complications because as per the guidelines we are supposed to give steroids to only those Covid patients who require oxygen. Further research will be required to ascertain the steroids.”