The Jammu and Kashmir administration has accorded sanction to merging or subsuming of the Engineering Wings of fifteen Departments and Organizations in Public Works (R-B) Department from 1 December.
The departments include Tourism Department and Tourism Development Authorities; School Education Department; Higher Education Department; Skill Development Department; Agriculture Production & Farmer Welfare Department; Department of Horticulture; Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department; Floriculture Department; Hospitality & Protocol; Estates Department; Disaster Management Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction Department; Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment; Transport Department; Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura and Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Medical College, Bemina.
“The civil works in the Departments/Organizations whose engineering wings are being subsumed shall be executed only through Public Works (R&B) Department/ Jal Shakti Department/ Power Development Department or JKPCC, w.e.f 01.12.2020.”
Further, the powers of the prioritization/identification of works and accord of administrative approval shall continue to vest with the user Administrative Departments or concerned authority as the case may be, a government order said. “The practice of reserving a proportion of projects for Self Help Groups of Engineers is abolished forthwith.”
The Public Works (R&B) Department shall examine the role of JKPCC taking into consideration economics of working of JKPCC since its inception and based on such review seek approval of Competent Authority with regard to the continuation of JKPCC or otherwise.
“The mandate of specialized wings of SIDCO and SICOP shall be clearly delineated by Industries and Commerce Department and these wings shall restrict their activities to the redefined mandate.” (GNS)