School Education Department Wednesday said that a high level committe at University of Kashmir has categorically resolved that degrees acquired by the candidates in science subjects via distance mode are neither eligible for appointment as lecturers at Plus-2 level nor for admissions to M.Phill or Ph.D programmes.
Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Alok Kumar said this in reference to the petitions filed by different respondents seeking inclusion in the seniority list of Environmental Science discipline and for promotion to the post of lecturer environmental sciences.
“It has been found that the claim of the petitioners does not merit consideration based upon the observations and findings and as such the claim of the petitioners for their inclusion in the seniority list of Environmental Science discipline and consequent claim for promotion to the post of Lecturer Environmental Sciences is hereby rejected,” the department said.
“Environmental Sciences falls within the category of science stream where practical are the part of curriculum and therefore such degrees are necessary to be obtained through regular mode only unless such courses are allowed specifically through distance mode by Distance Education Council (DEC) or All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),” reads the judgement.
It also said that the issue regarding validity of degree acquired through distance mode was taken up with the University of Kashmir.
In reference to referral, the Department was conveyed that, “The University in this regard has categorically communicated the decision regarding the distance mode degree, it is resolved by the high level committee that candidates holding masters degree in science subjects awarded through the distance mode from other universities are neither eligible for appointment as lecturers in the Higher Education Department (Plus-2) level nor for admissions to the M.Phill or Ph. D programmes.”
Stating the reason as to why the degrees cannot be perused, KU has said, “The laboratory component which forms an indispensable part of the curriculum and requires a continuous guidance for the whole period of 4 semesters is not given its due importance in the distance mode learning.”
“Hence in light of the facts, it is clearly evident from the records and rules that the distance mode degree of PG in Ecology and Environment is neither recognized by the University nor equivalent to the corresponding PG Degree of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar,” it reads. (KNO)