Internship Program

kashmir walla jobs, kashmir journalist jobs, journalist jobs, kashmir walla internship, journalism internshipThere are times when you want to tell your stories or speak out on issues around you. Something you see, something which you find interesting, or at times just about anything. You can’t do this without a platform. The Kashmir Walla is one such place which gives people like you an opportunity to express and improve your skills. It is an internationally acclaimed digital magazine, which reaches out to people who are interested in doing quality journalism and writing fresh, untold stories. The magazine has proved the power of online journalism on a global level by providing a different platform for readers and contributors. It has been successful to revolutionize the online journalism of its birth region, Kashmir.

Our work, speaks, for our aim. Ours is a people’s magazine; you are our voice. Now, we are inviting you, to join us. We announce our journalism internship program. The internship enables young people to give voice to their views, ideas, analysis, and skills. You will be able to disseminate information about issues and problems. The program will train you to become a better communicator, better writer and a better journalist.

As a participant, you will get empowered in journalism and research skills. It will help you in becoming a better professional by improving your writing and communication skills.

The internship is broadly divided into the following training phases:

1) Developing a view for news: The participants get hands on training on how to address issues, problems, news and views and how to propel change via the right presentation skills.

2) Research and development: Every intern goes through the process of participating in detailed and comprehensive research assignments.

3) Editorial, communication and language skills: As part of the training process, the interns will get an opportunity to report incidents, write about issues and express their views.

4) Long form writing style: As a part of magazine, interns for the magazine have to work on the monthly issues in which long form writing is encouraged.

The internship program equips and trains the participants to develop themselves, addressing critical issues and engaging them in freedom of speech and expression. The internship makes an individual outright, bold and prepares them for the most exciting career options.

All interns will receive a certificate of work experience after the successful completion of their internship. The internship period is maximum six months; deserving interns will be paid monthly.

To apply, send a cover letter stating your desire and explaining your interest in The Kashmir Walla, along with your CV and two or three writing samples (preferably features. DON’T SEND OPINIONS) not more than 1000 words. Email us at or call at +91-1492-503-169